Top 14 Pros & Cons Of Dating Engineers You Must Know

dating engineers

Never dated an engineer before? The following are the top pros and cons of dating an engineer.

Top 9 Reasons To Date an Engineer

1- They are extremely efficient and organised

Engineers are extremely efficient at their work, which makes them very organised. Consequently, dating an engineer means that you will be living with someone very organised and clean.

When it comes to dating an engineer, you will realise that everything sits where it needs to be, and nothing gets lost.

2- They can solve and fix everything

No challenge is too big for an engineer; they are smart, and they know it. Engineers work very hard, which makes them thrive in challenging times. So if you are dating an engineer, do not shy away from discussing issues and problems you are facing. Also, they will fix everything broken in the house so just let them do their magic.

Although some might think engineers are cocky because they give the impression that they are smarter than everyone. The truth is that engineers do not think that way, and most are quite humble. However, their behaviour might unintentionally indicate that.

3- You will never have to worry about your finances

Engineers know how to save, invest and spend money mindfully. Engineers are paid well (Read: Average Engineers Salary) and naturally very good with personal financing, so they most likely are good savers but also have a retirement plan as their high knowledge in business and investing can enable them to live a very comfortable life.

Did we mention that they can do your taxes as well? Yes, and also take care of the bills and the headache of paying your mortgage every month; they will take care of all that and more; just let them do what they do best and use math to take care of everything.

4- They are good listeners – Anytime, Anywhere

They do not mind listening to your problems and thoughts. Most engineers are accustomed to hearing about problems and even offering solutions or help. Engineers’ ability to listen makes them very attractive partners for many.

5- You can brag about their intelligence

This is the ultimate flex for many people. If you are in a relationship with a male or female engineer, you can brag about their intellect with your friends and family because it is true. Engineers usually work on interesting things that are very difficult, which makes it easy to brag about their intelligence.

6- Parents and family approved

You have very protective parents that can be tough on you and want you to be with someone who deserves you; dating an engineer means that you can get their approval easily. Engineers can also connect easily with your parents as they have attractive personalities, dress smart and have interesting stories to share.

7- Will admit their fault

Engineers are very logical and reasonable, so they will admit their faults and avoid arguing as much as possible. Most fights will be solved in a civilised and calm way without any hard feelings.

8- They have a nerdy sense of humour

They are funny people once you get to know them, especially if you are into geeky memes and jokes. Their weird is usually around sci-fi, fantasy and action movies, games and tv shows, so if you are into those things, you will enjoy their jokes and sense of humour and how they spend their free time.

9- Very Positive and uplifting partners

Engineers are good planners, making them very optimistic people. They set genuine expectations and goals for themselves but also very ambitious ones because they work hard on themselves. This makes them very positive people. And also uplifting, as no challenge is big enough for them, so whenever you feel down, they will do everything they can to make you happy.

Top 5 Reasons To NOT Date an Engineer

dating engineers

The above are very strong reasons to date an engineer. However, we should also mention some of the bad attributes of dating an engineer:

1- They can be very competitive

Did you think people who build cars and send rockets to space would be ordinary? Their creative personality and natural attitude toward improving themselves can make them very competitive, which is hard to control if you are playing a video game or a broad game.

They will often win because they use math to calculate probabilities and carefully study their opponent’s moves. Unless you are a competitive person or do not mind being with a competitive person, it can be a problem when dating an engineer.

2- Logic is more dominant than emotions

While logic has allowed engineers to be very intelligent and self-conscious, it also means they use fewer emotions in their relationships. They are sometimes preserved as emotionally cold, which is true in most engineers, especially male engineers, than female engineers.

3- They are always busy

Perhaps too busy for many people. If you want to date an engineer, you need to accept the fact that they work long hours (See Average Engineers Working Hours). Their time is valuable, and they have an exact plan of what they need to do in a particular hour, making them very mad when interrupted. On the positive side, you will have your space to do what you want, but this is because they are glued to their computer all day.

4- They love being alone

Engineers love spending time alone. They are more productive when working alone and can accomplish so much by having a few quiet hours. This can be an issue as many people want their partners to be present and available, but this is not the case with engineers as they love their work and want to spend as much time as possible solving those engineering problems.

Also, outside work, engineers love spending time alone by playing video games. Most engineers are introverts, making them socially awkward and thus hate social gatherings.

Engineers stereotypes is a lengthy topic that we have extensively discussed here: Are Engineers Introverts? Is Lack Of Social Life Related?

5- They are too nerdy sometimes

You might have difficulty connecting with them if you are not into the nerdy stuff that interests them. Most engineers love spending their free time playing video games and watching Tv shows, so if you can not find anything in common, it might be very difficult to connect with them.

On the other hand, many engineers can be into niche sports and hobbies such as rock climbing, hiking or camping, which can be hard if you do not have the same interest as engineers do not easily change their minds and hard to persuade them to do a different activity.

Going On A Date Soon With An Engineer?

dating engineers

If you have not dated an engineer before, we encourage you to check two of our best guides to dating engineers:

Joseph Maloyan

Hi, this is Joseph, and I love writing about engineering and technology. Here I share my knowledge and experience on what it means to be an engineer. My goal is to make engineering relatable, understandable and fun!

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