How To Date An Engineer? 5 Secrets You Must Know

Date An Engineer

Engineers are also humans; however, they tend to think more logically and are usually not emotionally present. This is because engineers are problem solvers, which means they do not value mundane or casual talks. They would rather talk about more serious and relative topics that interest them and the person they want to date.

The secret to dating engineers is to appreciate their work which increases their sense of responsibility and drives them to develop an interest in you. Engineers are usually busy, so they are more likely to date someone who respects their work and works as hard as them. Engineers generally make good life partners as they are natural problem solvers, caring and highly efficient with personal financing, making them the ideal partner for most people.

The fewer formalities when talking to an engineer, the more responsive they can be. As engineering is primarily male-dominant, which means engineers are more logical thinkers.

Engineers are thoughtful people who sometimes seem complicated, hard to talk to or even impossible to establish a relationship with. This post will answer the most common questions about dating an engineer and why you should date one.

5 Secrets you must know about engineers

Date An Engineer

There are many misconceptions about engineers, which sometimes makes it very hard to understand or even date them.

In a survey we did a few years ago, we found that people have little to no idea of what engineers actually do besides the basic idea of making something such as a car or rocket. This has also created some stereotypical misconceptions about engineers, such as having to be good at math or being introverts. While generally, it might be true, it does not apply to everyone.

See the link to the full survey: What People Think Of Engineers? Expectations Vs Reality.

But this also has created many questions about dating engineers. Therefore, the following are the top secrets you must know about engineers:

Secret 1: Why are engineers so hard to date?

The main issue of why engineers are so hard to date is that they are always busy and unavailable. Most engineers are very much in love with their careers and do not mind spending hours solving engineering problems. On the positive side, it helps them advance in their career, but on the negative side, it makes them unavailable.

Because they are unavailable, it makes it very hard to meet someone, ultimately, very hard to date.

The issue with why many male engineers specifically do not have girlfriends is that they are unavailable. They will most likely pass on social events and gatherings with friends for work or play video games.

Although that is not always true, many engineers are introverts by nature, meaning they thrive alone and dislike socialising. For more reading on this topic, read: Are Engineers Introverts? Is Lack Of Social Life Related?

Secret 2: Who are engineers most likely to date or marry?

Engineers are hard workers, meaning they will be attracted to someone as hard-working and successful as they are.

That does not mean that engineers are picky with who they want to date or be with, but rather they want to date someone who is career driven as they are. Most engineers have personal and career goals and are very serious about them, which means they will be attracted to someone with the same passion.

This is why male engineers usually marry nurses, teachers, doctors and lawyers, not because they have stable careers (Although it might be a factor for some) but because their career is set on helping people and improving their lives, which engineers also do.

Secret 3: Do engineers lack social skills?

On average, many engineers are logical, which means emotions have little to do with their decisions and choices. This, in general, makes it very hard for engineers to understand social situations and interpret the signals from someone attracted to them. Engineers are smart but not socially smart, which is a big drawback for engineers.

Engineers possess a way of thinking that makes them logical people that can analyse problems to find solutions. But when it comes to social situations, they can be the least attractive people.

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Does this make engineers shy?

Engineers are not shy but do not thrive well in social situations because they hate small talk, making them look shy. Engineers do not value mundane talks and would rather talk about serious matters such as tech, business and the world economy.

Unless you have something interesting, they are not interested in talking about how the weather is today or what you do for a living. If the conversation does not progress beyond that, they will lose interest quickly and get bored.

Unlike social situations, engineers can communicate effectively in business and work situations. Many engineers are introverts, but they can go on forever when talking about pure logic topics.

Secret 4: How do engineers think?

Because engineers are logical thinkers, it means that they do not like talking about their feelings. This means they tend to deal with their own issues by themselves, which is why they prefer their own company.

Because of that, do not expect engineers to pick up on your signals and how you feel especially male engineers. Even if they think you are upset, they will analyse the situation more analytically instead of considering your feelings.

This is mainly because of how engineers think, as they tend to be more interested in things than people, which is why they are good at their job as engineers. To develop a new car, you must be very interested in how the different parts of the car interact with each other for the car to work. Consequently, they have huge gaps when interacting with their intimate partner, as they tend to approach a relationship with a cause and effect rather than feelings.

Secret 5: Why are most engineers single?

The truth why most engineers are single is because they are workaholics. They love their work and do not mind spending hours on their job. Read: We Asked 100 Engineers How Many Hours Do They Work?

Engineers work in a dominantly male field, meaning they do not see much of the opposite sex. In addition, they tend to avoid social events, which reduces their chances of getting into a relationship. This is why dating apps have been one of the best options for meeting engineers.

Why should you date an engineer?

Engineers have many qualities that make them the perfect partner for many. These are some of the reasons:

  • Engineers are extremely efficient and organised
  • They are good listeners
  • They use math to solve anything
  • Good at planning
  • They will do your taxes and take care of the bills

Many other qualities make engineers attractive, but there are also some drawbacks to dating engineers. We have discussed those in detail here: Top 14 Pros & Cons Of Dating Engineers You Must Know.

How do I talk to an engineer?

Date An Engineer

Engineers can be very hard to talk to because they do not enjoy small talk, as discussed earlier. Therefore, the best way to approach an engineer is to talk about the things that interest them. Learning about what they do in their engineering job is an excellent way to approach engineers.

Trust us; if you show interest in their work, they will keep going forever, so maybe use it as a way to get their attention and then change the subject to something more common about you both.

One of the big issues most people face when talking to engineers is that they sometimes talk in acronyms and speak in terms that sound unfamiliar to many. This is because they think that most people know as much as they do, so do not be shy of asking them to explain things. They will be more than happy to explain, which is better than getting lost in the conversation.

If you are looking for topics to talk to engineers about, you should ask their friends about some icebreakers you can use to spark their interest and give them their full attention.

How to tell if an engineer likes you?

Date An Engineer

Although engineers might seem very complicated and might give the vibe that they are not interested in talking to anyone, they are very honest and straightforward when they are interested in someone. Therefore, if you see an engineer listening to you and interacting with you, he or she is probably interested in you.

Playing hard to get comes naturally to an engineer as they are usually unavailable and do not enjoy the company of most people; however, when they are interested in someone, they can go out of their way to talk to you.

This will probably result in a date if you are also interested in them, as engineers usually cut to the chase and avoid playing games. If you end up going on a date with an engineer, then you should read: What To Say & Do When Going On A Date With An Engineer.

Joseph Maloyan

Hi, this is Joseph, and I love writing about engineering and technology. Here I share my knowledge and experience on what it means to be an engineer. My goal is to make engineering relatable, understandable and fun!

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