Can I Get a Good Job With Bad Academic Results?

There are many opportunities for fresh graduates. Many companies want such people to train and utilise their abilities in the workforce. So does it matter for employers if you have outstanding, average or low academic results? Many students usually ask this question because they do not see the point in what they are studying or are just looking for the opportunity without putting effort into learning.

On average, a student transcript is not an essential factor in determining the right candidate for the job for most employers. Employers are looking for competent, skilled people who can fulfil the job requirements and fit the role. That is why employers in interviews ask questions such as Where do you see yourself in 5 years, or what are your biggest weakness? They are essentially trying to screen interviewees and pick the most competent and the right person for the job.

Although academic results are not that important to employers, it is still a factor for screening candidates. Companies will not interview 100 people, but they might use transcripts for screening students. That is why many companies in the application process ask for student transcripts. Although a resume is a contributing factor, it might still be easier only to interview students with results above a certain average (For example, only interviewing a student who has an average above 75%).

On the other hand, technical jobs such as STEM might require extensive theoretical knowledge, which prompts employers to hire students with a high academic transcript. Therefore, it depends on the type of job and the major you are doing. In general, it would be better for students to do their best and keep watch of their results. However, not all students will pay attention to their marks, and many are only after passing grades.

Moreover, many employers are looking after someone competent enough and able to learn things quickly. Hiring and training employees are always costly for companies. It takes time and effort to train new employees to get to the level required. Therefore, it makes sense for many employees to check your transcript and see if you are a hard worker.

Some students think they only need to obtain a passing grade to get their degree. But a passing degree can means that you have learned 50% of the subject, which does make you unfit for 50% of the jobs available. Although that does not mean that those students will not get offers for many jobs, it just means that not doing well at university will reflect their professional careers. Therefore, it makes sense for some employers to screen students based on their academic results and why many graduate job ads now demand students to provide their academic results.

With all that being said, still, some students might have average grades, but they have learned a great deal at university. Some students study to learn and not necessarily for the marks. Therefore, it is essential to mind a few things to land your dream job, which you will know in the next section.

How to land a job with average grades

Do internships

Doing internships is one of the best ways to get experience into your industry. And obtain references that can prove your competence and ability to take on challenging tasks. Looking for an internship might require you to look for small to medium-sized companies that are usually happy to take on students during their final study year.

Do not work for the sake of proving yourself, but to learn new skills. During your internship, you should focus on your personal growth by asking for feedback and learning on the job to gain more experience. The knowledge you will gain from your internships will serve as a reference for future careers and excellent exposure to the industry.

Do Volunteering experience

Volunteering can also give you the experience you need to land your dream job in the future. Because volunteering does not last for long and it is basically working for free, it is best to find a volunteering experience relevant to what you want to do in the future.

Unless if you have time, generally do not waste your time working for irrelevant experiences when you can use that time to study, network with people, and look for relevant experiences. In general, volunteering experiences are good to have in your resume because they show that you are passionate about your industry.

Create an outstanding CV and cover letter

CV and cover letter are the most important thing you should be working on to get a job. Students can either complicate this part with an unstructured resume or go extremely vague about not showing their skills. Your CV and cover letter should tell a story about you, your skills, achievements, and goals.

It is essential to make your CV structured enough with bullet points (no essays) that do not confuse or bore the reader. Students who do not have work experience think their CV does not have anything special to compete with other CVs. You can mention many things in your resumes, such as your academic accomplishments, university clubs participation, and transferable skills that you have (Such as being organised or effective time management).

Your cover letter should show your passion and explain why you want to work in that company. Have a read at the job requirements and tailor your cover letter to address those requirements by answering at least two or three of those requirements in your cover letter. Do not submit the same resume for all jobs because not all jobs are the same. Therefore take the time to read the job ad and write your resume accordingly.


Networking is your biggest asset. It would help if you had enough connections to keep your options open and give you endless opportunities. You can network by establishing relationships with other students, teachers and other people you meet in your industry. Leverage Linkedin to obtain more professional relationships in your industry. This can potentially open many opportunities for you and make you aware of market demand and companies hiring fresh graduates.

Joseph Maloyan

Hi, this is Joseph, and I love writing about engineering and technology. Here I share my knowledge and experience on what it means to be an engineer. My goal is to make engineering relatable, understandable and fun!

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